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Probably the Best Website in the World
Hello, I'm Harry and as you can probably tell, this is my website. Why did I make a website you ask? I dunno, it seemed like a good idea at the time. What's going to be in it? Well; football, cats, me (that's my favourite part) and whatever else I can be bothered to write about.
What have I done today? 12th August 02
Hello. It's me! Yes, the beautiful land of Greece could not contain me for long and I was thrown out after only two weeks. I mean, she told me she was sixteen, well actually she said "baaa baaaaa" but it SOUNDED like sixteen to me. Anyway, the rest of the holiday was pretty uneventful. That's a big fat lie. Nothing interesting happened, at all, for about a month. Except I bought a new pool cue. Then people started getting back from their holidays and I could go out and do stuff. Like play football. And stuff. But now I'm back to school as one of the elder statesmen of Harris CTC. Kinda like Bobby Robson and Alex Ferguson, but without the nose hair. We've got a new tutor, gone is McCarthy (pronounced McCartheeeeee) and in comes Mr Rose, probably my favourite teacher. Most people's favourite teacher to be honest, mainly because he has never given a detention in his whole time at Harris. Most of my classes are the same (i.e. Boring) except I have a couple of new teachers. The best is my new maths teacher, Miss Formella, who can barely speak english at all. Maths is gonna be a laugh this year. Being the oldest in the school doesn't really feel any different. The only change is that everyone else seems to have shrunk. Maybe that's just me. But now tis my last year, my GCSE exams year and as such I'm going to knuckle down and get some work done. Yeah right.

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